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  • Gottfried Schüll

A spotlight on innovation

Cohausz & Florack relaunches online platform "Daidalos"

Düsseldorf, 16.09.2020 – With the relaunch of its online platform "Daidalos", the IP law firm Cohausz & Florack (C&F) is now featuring the world of inventions in an even greater variety. At www.daidalos.blog, interested users can find out which ideas are driving our society forward and which courageous inventors and companies are behind them. By navigating the new online platform, users can get to know places where interesting products have been developed, immerse themselves in the history of famous inventions and test their knowledge in a quiz. In addition, entertaining texts explain how valuable intellectual property (IP) can be and what significance IP rights have for the innovation and competitiveness of companies and economies.

"Our new Daidalos site shows how ideas change the world and what makes technical inventions so exciting – from past to present, from their development to the vast possibilities of their exploitation", says Gottfried Schüll, patent attorney and partner at C&F. "We want to inspire others with our enthusiasm for inventions – and perhaps even encourage them to become innovative themselves."


Picture Credits: Sergey Nivens Shutterstock.com