Judicial protection of secrets even in the case of a contractual confidentiality agreement (OLG Karlsruhe)

Court of Appeal (OLG) Karlsruhe, Decision of October 4, 2023 - 6 U 122/22

Decision keyword:

Trade Secret

Law applied:

German Patent Act Sec. 145a

German Trade Secrets Act (GeschGehG) Section 16 (1), (2), Sec. 17, Sec. 18, Sec. 20 (5) p. 1, p. 2


The admissibility (in particular the need for legal protection) of a request under Sec. 145a Patent Act in conjunction with Sec. 16 (1) GeschGehG to classify information introduced into the proceedings as confidential is not precluded by the fact that the parties agree on the confidentiality of this information and have agreed on its confidentiality.

Court of Appeal (OLG) Karlsruhe, Decision of October 4, 2023 – 6 U 122/22

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